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Other Titles: CRYPTERA -2019 National Level Technical Symposium
Authors: T, Hashni
G M, Kavyasre
M, Mohana
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence
Target Recognition
Cyber Security
Data Processing
Issue Date: 29-Aug-2019
Publisher: Coimbatore Institute of Technology
Abstract: In this paper we are going toreview about how Artificial Intelligence is useful inMilitary. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hastily growingfield of science with doubtlessly significant implicationsfor country wide security. As such, the U.S. Departmentof Défense (DOD) and other nations are developing AIapplications for a vary of navy functions. AI lookup isunderway in the fields of Genius series and analysis,logistics, cyber operations, information operations,command and control, and in a variety of semi-autonomous and self-sustaining vehicles. Already, AI hasbeen integrated into military operations in Iraq and Syria.Congressional action has the manageable to structure thetechnology’s improvement further, with budgetary andlegislative decisions influencing the growth of navypurposes as nicely as the tempo of their adoption.AI applied sciences present unique challenges for navyintegration, mainly because the bulk of AI improvementis happening in the business sector. Although AI is notspecial in this regard, the protection acquisition processmay also want to be tailored for acquiring emergingtechnologies like AI. In addition, many commercial AIpurposes ought to endure significant modification priorto being practical for the military. A wide variety ofcultural issues additionally challenge AI acquisition, assome commercial AI businesses are averse to partneringwith DOD due to ethical concerns, and even inside thedepartment, there can be resistance to incorporating AItechnology into current weapons structures andprocesses.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1532
Appears in Collections:National Conference

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