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Other Titles: Knowledge Networking in ICT Era
Authors: Santhi L
Radhakrishnan N
Keywords: Online resources
search techniques
access pattern
Academic staff
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: B.S.Abdul Rahman cresent Engineering College&Society for the Advancement of Library & Information Science(SALIS)
Abstract: The Introduction of e-resources in the mainstream of the learning culture in universities and college has exposed the users to more relevant information. E-resources have become an invaluable source of current information which the users refer in order to keep abreast of latest developments I their areas of interest. The proliferation of electronic resources has had a significant impact on the way the academic community uses, stores, and preserves information. In an effort to more fully understand how this technology is affecting the behaviors and attitudes of academic professionals. In the area of faculty’s perceptions and attitudes about electronic resources also vary across disciplines. but faculty do seen to agree overall that electronic resources have become invaluable tool for research and faculty will become even more dependent on them in the future : and hard copy may not be replaced entirely by electronic archives but preserving electronic journals for the future is extremely important. Today’s users have their information needs met via a number of options. They need not come physically to the library to use print formats but can stay at home or the office and access online library resources and services via networks or authentication methods at any time Electronic resources have exploded in popularity and use. They can and do enable innovation in teaching, and they increase timelines in research as well as increase discovery and creation of new fields of new fields of inquiry, the number of information sources available through both printed and electronic media are ever increasing libraries combining their efforts through various consortia are trying to get access to electronic information sources more economically. This paper discusses about online resources and its usage pattern of teaching faculties and their awareness.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1304
ISBN: 81-903838-3-3
Appears in Collections:International Conference

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