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Authors: Joicsy S
Jayachitra M
Ramesh, Kumar
Keywords: Resting heart rate
Cardio respiratory
Basketball dribbling
performance variables
Physical training
Issue Date: Jan-2023
Publisher: Indian Journal of Natural Sciences
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the efficacy of different training capsules on selected cardio respiratory parameters and specific game skills in adolescent female basketball players. The subjects were selected from school level adolescent girls basketball players. According to the school records, the average age of the subjects was ranging between thirteen to seventeen years. The subjects were assigned at random to one control group and two experimental group, each consisting of twenty (20) subjects. The experimental group was asked to take part in selected different physical activities for ten weeks. After consulting experts in the field and also going through the available literature on the subject, the following cardio respiratory parameters and game skills variables were selected for this study. Cardio respiratory variables: Resting Heart rate specific game skill variables are basketball dribbling . The analysis of data revealed that the training programme showed significant changes in some selected variables in Resting heart rate and basketball dribbling due to ten weeks of training programme for selected different physical activities. The type of training and methods used depends on factors such as the type of movement, skill requirements and specific demands of the activity in question. Coaches and athletes need to understand there are different types of training specifically designed to develop the fitness components, and each is closely linked to the energy systems and principles of training. All components of his body are intern dependent upon movement for their continued vigor, health and development. Physical activity is one of numerous factors, which influence the growth and development by children and adolescents. It is of the utmost importance to know the physiological mechanism that sustains and acts as the, basis of everybody response to exercise. In the course of physical exertion a number of co-ordinates and compensatory adjustments take place throughout the body. It is the general consensus that enduring benefits to health in respect of desirable body composition require the incorporation of habituate physical activity from an early age. In short, plyometric training improved the jumping performance of basketball players and it is recommended to be used as a training strategy in improving jumping performance not only in basketball but in other sport as well
ISSN: 0976 – 0997
Appears in Collections:National Journals

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